

If you want to sponsor your spouse to Canada, you should know that there are plenty of ways to do this successfully. But before you start with your Canada spousal sponsorship application, you must ensure you are eligible to become a sponsor.


Canada Spousal Sponsorship

Spousal sponsorship is a program initiated by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada to help people in a relationship live together in Canada. You can help your spouse obtain permanent residency if you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident eligible to sponsor.

If you want to sponsor your spouse to Canada, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident and of legal age at 18 years old;
  • It would help if you are not a beneficiary of any government financial assistance program;
  • Your financial status indicates that you can provide financial support and
  • You must have a clear record of any violent or sexual offence.

Even common-law partners can also be eligible as sponsors. If you can prove that you have been in a genuine relationship for at least 12 months, you can pursue your plan for Canadian spousal sponsorship.


If I Marry a Canadian, Can I Move to Canada?

On the other hand, if you are the one to be sponsored by a Canadian citizen whom you just married, it will take some time and effort before you can become a Canadian citizen. You need to prove that your relationship with your spouse is authentic.


Obtain a temporary visitor’s visa to set foot in Canada while waiting to complete the spousal sponsorship application process. You and your spouse can stay together in Canada while you process your request for a temporary work permit.


Ways to Prove a Genuine Marriage

One of the essential factors in your Canadian spousal sponsorship application is the proof of marriage or the validity of a common-law partnership. Here are some considerations:

  • Pictures of important events like the wedding, the honeymoon, or travels together;
  • Mails, phone records, and emails;
  • Affidavits subsidizing that your relationship is genuine;
  • Joint bank accounts, loan accounts, or any other joint accounts;
  • Co-ownership of any property;
  • Documents of cohabitation; and
  • Identification cards with the same address.


The requirements for sponsoring your spouse to Canada may be hard to accomplish. However, if you have a genuine relationship, it would be effortless to process your application, thus, success. Get help from a spousal sponsorship Canada consultant from Vancouver BC.